Lectures on photographic archives

Within the series of lectures on “Photographic archives of the Tibetan world for research in humanities”, organized by the ERC TibArmy project, the photographic collections of the association will be mentioned in the two following lectures (in French):

Tuesday, January 12, 2023, 5:00 to 6:30pm 

Auditorium of Humathèque (Campus Condorcet)

Fernand MEYER (CEH) and Rémi CHAIX (CEH)

Fonds perdus ou archives visuelles pour la recherche en anthropologie sur le monde tibétain ?   À travers l’exemple de la documentation photographique produite par C. Jest (1930-2019)

Gakar Rinpoche, Dolpo, 1960-61 (photo by Corneille Jest).

Tuesday, January 26, 2023, 3:30 to 5:00pm

Auditorium of l’Humathèque (Campus Condorcet)


La documentation photographique dans la pratique de l’historien de l’art du monde tibétain

Temple of Yemar, Central Tibet, 1982 (photo by Fernand Meyer).